Thursday, May 21, 2009

happy birthday to me!

sajela nak mengucapkan selamat hari lahir kepada diri sendiri yg jtuh pd hari semalam, 20th May 22nd birthday.

hari ni i am a day older..i wish that the plus 1 year make me more mature, kuat semangat and cool selalu because since my last year birhday, i became a very strange person..very bad..

hope to change to be more outspoken, more flamboyant person...more impressive person, more kind-hearted, and every single thing yg bagus2 je...malas dah jd bad2 ni...
yeye..dah tua pun..
tq mom and dad for gave me a beautiful life...i love both of you very very much muahhh muaahh
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Friday, May 15, 2009


Guru-guru se-Malaysia,
especially to teachers in SKST and SKTU
i am wishing all of you


selamat menjalankan tugas dengan cemerlang

the next generations begin from you!

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life is as simpler as you want

life is as simpler as you want it to be
go around the world
and you will see so many things
the different things
the good as the bad things
you take it
or you live it
it just..
only you the one
who deserves to choose your own life

"Life is short,
make it sweet"
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Thursday, May 14, 2009


it just the only time for me to write..there are so many things come into my life lately, during my 'missing'. so many and really have no time at just..i am happy but sometime i am sister's wedding, my future convo, my new workplace, my new life, the vital one is my parents..but in all hapiness there must be some kind of many and there is nothing to remember at all.the important thing is to go on with the life of course
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